
Surgery Surgery is a medical technique based on medical intervention to treat infected tissues. As a general rule, any procedure in which tissue breaks or cuts wounds from previous injuries is considered an operation. Other procedures do not specifically follow this description, such as catheterization or endoscopy, but may also be considered surgical if they include routine preparations for surgical operations such as anesthesia, sterile environment, surgical instruments Sewing or stapling
Types of surgery:
Emergency surgery is the surgery that is performed to save the patient's life on one of his limbs or to enable a member to perform his functions
Exploratory Surgery: This type of operation is performed for the purpose of confirming and supporting diagnosis of the disease
Therapeutic surgery: This type of surgery is intended to treat cases diagnosed in advance
_ Cut: Cut one of the limbs or fingers
Re-agriculture: During which part of the body was cut off
Reconstructive surgeries: designed to reconstruct damaged or damaged organs
Cosmetic surgery is the surgery that aims to improve the appearance of some non-infected tissues
The circumcision is the cutting of the outer part of a member or tissue
Agriculture: This type is aimed at the removal of a member or a party and replace it with another donor, whether human being and the eradication of a member of a living person for use in agriculture, a type of surgery
Laparoscopic surgery: In which small external incisions are made to insert a small machine inside the cavity of the body as in the catheter. In contrast, there are open surgeries that require large incisions to reach the affected area
LASER SURGERY Laser is the main factor in tissue cutting in this type of operation. The laser is used instead of the scalpel or other commonly used instruments to perform the same function.
Microscopy: This type of surgery is based on microscopes so that the surgeon can see the small parts on these devices. The robot surgery was developed as the Da Vinci or Zeus surgical system. During surgery, the robot follows the surgeon's instructions and moves the instruments.