Organ transplantation is the transfer of a member from one body to another, or transfer part of the body of the patient to the injured part of the body itself, in order to replace the damaged or absent in the body of the recipient. The emerging field of regenerative medicine allows scientists and genetic engineering professionals to attempt to reconstitute organs from the patient's own cells (stem cells, or cells extracted from organs with palaces). The organs and / or tissues implanted within the body are called self-bait. Organ transplants between two species of the same sex are called heterotoxicity. Other baiting can be done either from a living source or from a brain dead person.
The organs that can be cultivated are the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestines and thymus. The tissues include both bones and tendons (both referred to as muscle and bone grafts), cornea, skin, heart valves, veins ...